10 agencies for studying and working abroad

There are many reasons for studying abroad.

Improving your English, learning about new cultures and lifestyles, broadening your horizons, personal development, better job opportunities or access to quality education.

There are many agencies that can help you plan your trip effectively. Below, I will list the top 10 in Spain so that you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

But first, a brief explanation of what an agency does and why you should use one.

What does a study abroad agency do?

Study Abroad Agencies are organisations that provide advice and support services to help young students plan and organise their study abroad experience. They make things easier for you, so you only have to worry about studying and having the experience.

What services does the agency provide?

The role of the agency is to help you plan your trip, manage the paperwork, health insurance and all the necessary documentation. This will save you headaches and time.

Application and admission

Assistance in completing the application and entry requirements for your chosen course.

Document and paperwork

Gathering and preparing the necessary documentation for visa applications and other paperwork related to course entry and travel.

Finding accommodation

Assistance in finding the student residence, shared flat or homestay accommodation that best suits your needs.

On-site assistance

As well as arranging everything for you once you arrive in your destination country, they can also provide you with orientation services, help with finding employment, and emergency assistance.

What are the requirements for studying abroad?

Valid passport

This document is essential for travel. Make sure it is in order.

English level (A1)

A basic level is usually sufficient, but this will depend on the institution you choose.

Your finances

You will need to cover tuition fees, accommodation, transport and other costs of your stay abroad.

The 10 best Spanish agencies for studying abroad

Here is a list of the best Spanish agencies that offer study or work abroad programmes with or without experience. A great opportunity for learning and personal growth through language courses, internships or volunteering in different countries around the world.

#1 GrowPro Experience

Website: https://growproexperience.com

Based in: Valencia, Madrid, Barcelona, plus offices in each destination.

Founded in: 2012

Destinations: Australia, Canada, USA, Ireland, Malta and New Zealand.

Strengths: On-site support and amazing events to get to know the GrowPro community.

Weaknesses: They don't offer exchange programmes or internships.

#2 EF Education First

Site web : https://www.ef.com.es/

Siège : Bureaux à Barcelone, Bilbao, Madrid, Malaga et Valence.

Année de création : 1965

Destinations : Royaume-Uni, États-Unis, Canada, Irlande, Malte, Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande, France, Allemagne, Italie, Chine, Japon, Corée du Sud.

Points forts : l'une des meilleures agences pour tous les âges, offrant des opportunités de stages, de travail et d'échanges culturels.

Points faibles : possibilités limitées de cours de langue à l'étranger pour les adultes

#3 You Too Project

Website: https://www.youtooproject.com

Based in: Online agency

Founded in: 2012

Destinations: Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Dubai, Malta, and Ireland.

Strengths: They connect you with local families, so you can live with them and speed up learning the language. It is the first online agency in Spain.

Weaknesses: Little experience in running language courses.

#4 InterWay

Website: https://www.interway.es/https://www.interway.es/

Based in: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Zaragoza, Seville and Cantabria.

Founded in: 1980

Destinations: United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Malta, Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Italy and China.

Strengths: Specialises in educational exchange programmes abroad. It caters for children, adults, students and professionals.

Weaknesses: Lack of experience in running courses for adults.

#5 ESL Idiomas

Website: https://www.esl-idiomas.com

Based in: Offices in Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Bilbao, and Seville.

Founded in: 1996

Destinations: London, Berlin, Boston, Paris, and Manchester are the most popular.

Strengths: Great variety of languages in the best schools. The most popular are English, French, German, Chinese, and Japanese.

Weaknesses: They do not offer internship or work abroad programmes.

#6 Kells College

Website: https://www.kellscollege.com/

Based in: Santander, Madrid and Barcelona.

Founded in: 1971

Destinations: UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand; Malta, France, Germany, Italy, Japan or China.

Strengths: Great prestige, collaborate with schools accredited by international organisations.

Weaknesses: They do not offer internship or work abroad programmes.

#7 CIDI Viajes al Extranjero

Website: https://cidi.com/

Based in: Madrid with branches all over Spain.

Founded in: 1976

Destinations: United States, England, Canada, Ireland, Australia, Malta, France and Germany.

Strengths: Possibility of financing the course, something that most agencies do not offer.

Weaknesses: Does not offer internship or work abroad programmes.

#8 Aula Inglés

Website: https://aulaingles.es/

Based in: Madrid

Founded in: 2015

Destinations: United Kingdom and Ireland.

Strengths: They offer internships and jobs all over Europe.

Weaknesses: Scarce offer of courses in other countries. Only present in Madrid.

#9 Step Travel

Website: https://steptravel.net/

Based in: Bilbao

Founded in: 1991

Destinations: Ireland, Great Britain, USA, France, Germany, Malta and Canada

Strengths: They also offer programmes for the over 50s

Weaknesses: They do not offer internship or work programmes. Only present in Bilbao.

#10 Kaplan International

Website:  https://www.kaplaninternational.com/es

Based in: London with offices in Spain

Founded in: 1967

Destinations: UK, Ireland, USA and Canada.

Strengths: The teaching method and accommodation included, usually with local families.

Weaknesses: They do not offer internship or work experience programmes.

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