Letter to our community

We believed that 2020 would have been big for us. We planned to launch new TOP products and organise long trips: we would travel around the world and fill our map with pins.
Just two weeks after returning from Germany, where we presented our products at Ambiente and PaperWorld - bang, state of alert!
We were expecting a year of change, with new projects and a lot of novelties. And it certainly was, but not exactly as we imagined. We had to back off and modify the way we work and handle things.
As soon as we moved into our home office, we decided to stop shipping for a while not to put other people at risk. These were the most complicated months of the pandemic, and we wanted to contribute by launching a fundraising campaign through which we donated €4,226 to the IrsiCaixa research centre.
Even during the lockdown, we filled our social networks with memories as we travelled from home to different parts of the world to keep our spirit of adventure alive. We thank you for helping us migrate to the other side of the world daily!
A few weeks later, to celebrate Miss Wood restarting shipping, we launched our "Greatest Contest in History", collaborating with other brands inspired by our same philosophy. The outcome was incredible!
Around June, we started collaborating with WWF. Since then, we are a planet-friendly company and have become part of their environmental protection project. This year more than ever, our mission as a company has been to take care of the Planet as much as we like to enjoy it.
June was a month full of news, as in addition to introducing new models of the Watercolor maps, we improved and expanded the colour range of our eco-friendly thermal bottles.
Shortly afterwards, we decided to launch a second donation campaign thanks to which we raised €2,900, which, added to the previous ones, brings the total to €7,126. All thanks to your collaboration!
As soon as summer started, we presented our Reusable Hygienic Mask. It was a challenge we had set ourselves at the beginning of the pandemic, and the result exceeded our expectations. At the same time, we concluded restyling our online shop, which we had been working on since the end of 2019.
Without even realising it, almost 6 months already passed since the start of the pandemic, during which each of us had been working assiduously from home, meeting colleagues only via video call and planning remotely.
With the arrival of September, we started an extraordinary collaboration with our friends from Vacavaliente. If you haven't seen the collection yet, click here.
With only a few months to go before the end of the year, there were more products to present, just in time for Christmas, to add a touch of adventure and wanderlust to your Holidays: Polaroid Photo, Customised Calendar and Miss Wood Candle.
As far as production is concerned, we are delighted about the new processes we set up. For example, to help reduce the environmental impact, some items are only produced on demand not to create any extra stock. Also, we are increasingly favouring weekly production to optimise resources.
We have learned a lot lately, and it will undoubtedly be a year that will leave its mark on us forever. We have gained a deeper understanding of the importance of protecting the environment. We have developed a new way of travelling - and working - from home. We have discovered opportunities and the ability to adapt to circumstances. Above all, we have realised that together we are stronger.
These are our adventures from this year, and we promise to bring you a lot of new experiences next year. We would love you to join our journey, you coming?

Follow us on our social media to keep up to date with all the news.
Ig @misswood_bcn
Fb @misswood.com