5 tips for travelling without leaving home

Let's be honest, if we could, we would spend all the time lost in the world travelling, but sometimes for lack of time, budget or other factors, it is not possible. That is why we want you to continue to travel with your mind. Here are 5 tips for travelling without leaving home.
1. Collect your travels
The best way to transport yourself to another place is to remember all the adventures you experienced in your life. Search for memories of your travels (photos, museum entrances, tickets...) and pin the places visited on your map. In this way, you will customise your world and make it easier for you to choose your next destination.

2. Travel through reading and movies
Longing to go far away without leaving home? Choose a film set in the place of your dreams and watch it in the original language. Or, if you prefer to read, you can download an e-book or a guide to learn more. Between a trip around the world, weekends in different wine regions and novels set on the other side of the Earth, you're sure to find something you'll love.
3. Travel with your mind
Today you can visit museums or take virtual tours of a country without ever having to get up from the sofa. For example, through the Airpano website, you can explore practically the whole world. And if you prefer to visit a museum, simply go to the official website and see if the online option is available. The vast majority of museums have already implemented it!
4. Plan your next trip
If you are not sure of your next destination, you can write a list of your favourite destinations in a notebook. Afterwards, you can search each of these to see which one inspires you most. You can also make a checklist of the essentials you need to consider before travelling, such as insurance, passport renewal, etc.

5. Cook an exotic dish
Organise a themed party at home. Be creative, dress up with something representative of the place, buy the right ingredients and immerse yourself in a culinary adventure. As a finishing touch, play traditional music and decorate the table to feel like you're on the road.
These tips will transport you through space and time so that you can travel to the most incredible places you can imagine. We want to read your best advice for travelling without leaving home.